Friday, February 20, 2009


WHOAA. I have been MIA for awhile hu. The reason for that?! well there is many.

The MAIN one being I had my nice, new, expensive laptop stolen from my life!

I took a train back from PA after my surgery and was so worried about not leaving the painting my dad made me on the train, that I forgot my book bag on the train. The amtak people retrieved my book bag but someone decided to steal my laptop! Lets just say that day was filled with lots and lots of tears. This happened Sunday(5days ago). Insurance is giving me less than half of how much it was worth. So I will be saving to buy the same one. Gosh it's so depressing. I had ALL my pictures on there and school stuff and videos I was making. Why are people so evil? Too bad the smart person didn't take my charger and they also don't know my password to get into my computer! HA but if they do use it HP can track the computer with the serial number. So, I still have a little hope, although my dad doesn't!

ANYWAYS I have my old computer right now, my dad shipped it to me fast this week so I could have it for my school work and obviously twitter, facebook, and blogging needs! hehe.

Nothing really else exciting with my life other than my baby(laptop) being stolen. With that said though, I smell, I just got back from the gym and need to shower!

tata cyber world

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