Thursday, February 26, 2009


Lazybord isn't one word, but for me right now it is! I think my life has become pretty boring recently and I need something exciting to happen! Kind of like my spring break festivities with the family! I get to swim with dolphins(my life dream), snorkeling, among other things oh and Sea World! I'm pretty much a little kid and I LOVE IT!

I just wanted to post some pictures from last weekend, spice this up a tad!

Oayk this wasn't from last week. This was about 3 years ago at the grand canyon and my friend played around with the picture and I thought it was cool!

oh just being me!

playing some pool(and losing)

Alright, that's all for now. Have a great weekend kidsss!

Friday, February 20, 2009


WHOAA. I have been MIA for awhile hu. The reason for that?! well there is many.

The MAIN one being I had my nice, new, expensive laptop stolen from my life!

I took a train back from PA after my surgery and was so worried about not leaving the painting my dad made me on the train, that I forgot my book bag on the train. The amtak people retrieved my book bag but someone decided to steal my laptop! Lets just say that day was filled with lots and lots of tears. This happened Sunday(5days ago). Insurance is giving me less than half of how much it was worth. So I will be saving to buy the same one. Gosh it's so depressing. I had ALL my pictures on there and school stuff and videos I was making. Why are people so evil? Too bad the smart person didn't take my charger and they also don't know my password to get into my computer! HA but if they do use it HP can track the computer with the serial number. So, I still have a little hope, although my dad doesn't!

ANYWAYS I have my old computer right now, my dad shipped it to me fast this week so I could have it for my school work and obviously twitter, facebook, and blogging needs! hehe.

Nothing really else exciting with my life other than my baby(laptop) being stolen. With that said though, I smell, I just got back from the gym and need to shower!

tata cyber world

Saturday, February 7, 2009

wisdom teeth experience!

So, as you can see, the wisdom teeth are officially out! I think I may be the only person who would be on the internet right now, but it's the only thing distracting my pain!(and falling asleep is hard!) Let's just say waiting to be put to sleep was the most nerve wracking thing EVER! They actually had trouble putting me to sleep because I was so nervous. It was weird they didn't even make me count back from ten they just gave me calming medicine(I assume Valium?) And I guess it was a slower process and just knocked me out without anyone telling me. I remember talking to the guy about where I was from and my major and then I asked do people get nervous a lot? And then BAM I'm awake ha. So I'm glad that's over

So, I wake up all you know, loopy. And I don't think the nurse man liked me much. I kept moving my arms and he was like" stop you can't move them!" And kept putting my hands down. And then I was like, "this is kind of like you're drunk" Yea he wasn't amused, what was his problem! I'm funny okay sir!

So then the doctor man walked in and I could remember most of the convo, for some reason I wasn't as out of it as they said or I thought I would be. And he came in saying they had some complications and it was harder than they thought.

My one tooth on my left side was so big and up in there(left side, on the top) and when they were trying to take the tooth out it put a hole in my sinus. They said it was difficult and actually should have been done in an OR. I was too out of it(and couldn't talk) to be like WHATTT!!? So yea that wasn't something we were expecting. They had to take a piece of my bone, I think from my jaw, to fix the hole. Pretty freaky eh? So I had to buy sinus spray and something else to make sure my sinus's stay clear

I have to go back Wednesday and have them check it out, and that's all I really know about that. Hopefully nothing else has to be done(crossing fingers). But whoever had their wisdom teeth out I'm sure know the regular routine and pain that I have. Didn't go to bed till about 2:30a.m. last night, and then got up at 8:30. Sucks I just want to sleep. This Vicodin definitely doesn't knock me out, just lessens the pain

But with that said I am going to watch my gift my family got me!(One Tree Hill Season 5). I'll let y'all know how Wednesday goes, and wish me luck yo!

Outtie from the "cartoon baseball player" :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

what the

omg how embarrassing is that video that my sister made

no food

NO FOOD! what!? I can't have food? but I LOVE food! Yea so it's past midnight and my no food rule is in effect for my surgery tomorrow aka wisdom teeth out, does that even count as saying surgery? Well who cares it sounds cool, even if I am freaked out!

But that's all I really wanted to say. I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow at 3:30p.m. Which means I probably won't be around for a bit, maybe I can make my sister take a video of me after?! Of course I'll have to approve and see if it can go up.

Anyways, wish me luck please(lots) I'm scared; the whole putting to sleep thing freaks me out(first time) Alright well enough of me rambling. I need to try to sleep before I feel the urge to jump the refrigerator.

nite nite from the soon to be in pain/angry girl! :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

amateur video

video has been deleted due to extreme embarrassment .

that's all

Monday, February 2, 2009

random facts about me!(lindsay)

I'm bored..and trying to avoid studying, and I'm doing a good job at it. I decided I wanted y'all to read some random facts about me so here!

1. i hate wearing socks to bed
2. i have to have the volume set on an even number
3. if I start something i need to finish if I feel like i won't finish it..I wait for another day
4. fountain mountain dew is what i like, can and bottle taste gross, but I'll still drink it
5. i have a brown birthmark on my right thigh, growing up(and still today) people think I have dirt on my leg and love to tell/ask me
6. i recently have fallen in love with black nail polish
7. i hate, hate being away from my parents
8. i know Sign Language, and i love it
9. i really, really want to act/be in a movie, but I'm scared to make the first move
10. if you know me, i will make you laugh

Ohk that's all I can think of. I know there are funnier ones but I keep thinking about dumb studying. Post some later

nite cyberspace

Sunday, February 1, 2009

quick hello!

just saying a quick hello! Been sick..which stinks major!

few things:
1. Getting my wisdom teeth out Friday=not excited/scared
2. Cardinals lost which =happy, but i do love me some Fitzgerald!
3. I am becoming obsessed with twitter and now skype!
4. I added a picture of an amazingly long limo i saw, it was like attached to another, it was madness!

