Tuesday, December 30, 2008

helloooo america!

hello all(if anyone is even reading)Lindsay here. Not feeling very witty at the moment so I apologize. Just a quick update. Christmas turned out very nice. Got some new Wii games and clothes and The Dark Knight(best movie ever!) Life at the moment seems to be in slow motion which is okay with me..for now. I head to Virginia tomorrow for new years to see all my friends and have an amazing time! And just so you know the older sister wimped out on brother and I and tried to take a nap before we woke our parents up at 6:30a.m. She went to take a nap at 5:57a.m.! come on, really?! But anyways I didn't end up going to bed until 9:30a.m. that day, and I don't think I've fully recovered from my lost sleep.waa right? yea anyways.this post seems a little pointless, maybe when I come back from VA I'll have some amazing story to tell you, I sure hope!

peace out and be safe...see ya NEXT year! :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

post from the older sister(courtney)

since my sister won't link to the blog right now..she has IMed me a post for me to put up, enjoy!

hey this is Courtney (the other sister). no no not the other sister ..I'm not like the "special" sister. just a sister. the older one and wiser one. merry christmas. so yea we want to blog about the dumb stuff we talk about or say when its early in the morning. don't get us wrong we aren't true insomniacs. and we truly feel for those of you who are diagnosed. but we do stay up late. and we love it. sometimes when I'm in bed on my computer.. I'm thinking god why isn't anyone on.. and then i realize oh yea my sister is online maybe i should talk to her. this is when we "catch up" or "have fights" or talk about "clothing" anyway. its 4:12 AM right now and i am pretty tired BUT i hate going to bed. and i love presents.. so presents are going to win this one.. anyway we are psycho hope you love it

-Courtney, the older sister

hohoho where's santa?

so here i am(Lindsay) and the sister and the brother ,trying to stay up until 6am to wake our parents so far we are doing well it's 4am! hopefully our parents don't scream at us and take our presents away. brother is playing HOME on ps3..has anyone played that? it's like crack. the older sister can't stop playing it..it's like a virtual world..madness i say! sister Courtney is figuring out her new phone that she opened for christmas eve..whatever happened to opening the BIG presents on christmas DAY geeeez. and here I am figuring out blogging and hoping everything I say is worth every second of your time(sorry if it's not!) so now we are just sitting here figuring out how to keep our eye lids open, the siblings seem to be handling it well. somehow we have been trained to be awake this long. on that note I'm going to make peanut butter cookies before the older sister dies of starvation (1 1 1)<---1 egg 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of peanut butter..all YOU need to make peanut butter cookies!!!

happy holidays to all! now go eat some cookies!

from one insomniac to another! :)

the start of something new

it feels so right to be here with you...ohhh....

Hello just wanted to start off singing some high school musical for you...okay maybe not sorry about that..but here we are (Lindsay and Courtney) coming to you at 4am. every night(hopefully) but due to health concerns we may need real nights of sleep.sorry if you are disappointed. ANYWAYS my point is we are funny and we are going to blog to you when we can..yes sometimes at 4am get it?


from one sleepless child to another